Call for papers / Topics


Any original contributions are welcome, including but not limiting to:

  1. theory of computing,
  2. theoretical issues in artificial intelligence,
  3. theoretical issues in automated reasoning,
  4. theoretical aspects of software system development,
  5. logics in informatics, databases, and artificial intelligence,
  6. data mining and knowledge discovery,
  7. knowledge representation,
  8. semantic technologies,
  9. natural language processing,
  10. formal languages and automata,
  11. cryptography and security,
  12. neural networks,
  13. natural computing,
  14. soft computing.

Requirements to papers:

Your paper is required to be 6-16 pages in English (one page approximating A5 size, i.e. about 800 words), and using the MFOI templates (MFOI2018_template_A5.doc, mfoi2018_template.tex, mfoi2018_template.pdf, mfoi2018.sty,

Please, start with a succinct statement of the problem, present your results, their significance and a comparison with previous works (if any), as well as a list of references. The submissions should also include: the title of proposed paper, author's names, affiliations, addresses, the name of an author to contact for a possible correspondence, the e-mail address of the contact author, and topics which best describe the paper (max. 5 keywords).

The sponsors will offer two prizes for two best papers of young researchers - one for a pure mathematical treatment, and the other for a treatment which has or is promising to have applications to natural language processing. The prize winner papers will be marked up in Proceedings. The information about prize winners and interviews with them will be published in mass-media and a CD with this data will be handed over to the winners.

Submission details:

Please send your paper to with subject "MFOI Paper"